Tour del candombe por montevideo reserva online en. Candombe is a style of music and dance that immigrated to uruguay with african slaves. In the comparsas, dancers dance candombe to the rhythm of the drums. En este caso refiere al candombe en su expresin ms tradicional. In 2009, the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization unesco inscribed candombe in its representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. They are single skin headed and there are three sizes. Su funcion es similar al del bajo acustico o electrico. Pdf on oct 1, 1999, reginaldo gil braga and others published ferreira, luis.
En revista anthropos, international journal of anthropology and linguistics, 1092 2014. Candombe en uruguay esclavitud entretenimiento general. Tambores del candombe enregistrements realises par pablo cueco, montevideo, buda records, coll musique du monde, 2000 ignacio cardoso silva reference uruguay. The drums are made of wood and have a curved barrel shape with its base very narrow. Voici probablement louvrage le plus complet traitant du candombe afro uruguayen jamais ecrit a ce jour. Su lonja mide aproximadamente 40 centimetros en diametro. Candombe spanish to english translation spanishdict. Descargue como pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Enregistrements realises en janvier 1999 par pablo cueco, montevideo. Portal candombe informacion, historia, novedades, noticias.
57 567 665 945 258 1432 498 169 1093 1382 632 585 1269 1117 738 780 736 1459 957 1112 699 1241 869 1134 1538 681 1064 759 1191 998 1317 204 1245 793 1138 404 125 785 1006 156 1056